Moving forward one step at a time.
Every idea starts with an action to materialize. It just takes one step forward for us to see the vision we aimed for.
We believe in progression. Success isn’t about the outcome of what we do. But the process of how we do it.
We are process-oriented. We don’t focus on perfection. But the substance of doing it. What could be learned during the process? Why does doing this make sense to me? Things like that.
We believe in practice makes progress. Practicing certain skill does not produce perfection, but improvement. Getting better is more crucial than perfect.
We find delight in the insignificant and solace in impermanence. Everything is continually in change, which is OK.
and We LOVE what we’re doing.
It all started with a desire to break free from endless procrastination. Eager to experience everything, but ending up doing nothing. Many plans were jotted down, yet not a single one moved forward. Everything became stagnant and unexecuted.
That’s when RevampUp was born. We decided to create a brand that empowers progressive thinking. We’re determined to put an END to stagnancy and procrastination, the enemies of growth and improvement.
We’re here for those who take action, driven by purpose and grit. With our brand name, we want you to REVAMPUP!
At RevampUp Co., sustainability is important. As we progress, we strive to be more environmentally friendly while still providing you with the high-quality products you deserve.
Around 85% of all textiles produced by the fashion industry end up in landfills, making it a major contributor to environmental damage. What’s more, one in every five items produced by the fashion industry reach landfills without being worn even once.
As RevampUp Co. works with on-demand suppliers, we only produce items we get an order for, avoiding textile waste from overproduction. Our printing partner’s high-quality printing tech creates almost no wastewaters and uses less energy than standard industry printers.